Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Alternative ideas

My lovely friend C from I-5 (as we lovingly call our Institute) is connecting me to a friend of hers who, among other things, helps build libraries in Ghana. Yea for connections! The reason I am focusing on Ghana with this project is because I studied abroad there last year for 5 months. I volunteered with Refuge Baptist Primary School at the Liberian Refugee Camp/Settlement for about 4 months, as well as occasionally visiting, assisting and learning with the Liberian Dance Troupe. I had the wonderful experience of hanging out not only with Ghanaians, but with Liberians and a few Ivorians! J'ai pratiqué mon francais terrible avec des amis qui habitaient en Côte D'Ivoire avant le guerre ici.

That said, I have a lot of different avenues I can explore with this. I chose to focus on the issue of casual negativity in teenagers because I was inspiried by a friend's non-profit, W.A.N.T. or Women Against Negative Talk. I need community partners in the United States, specifically in the Los Angeles-ish area, which is another reason why I decided to connect with her. Nothing has gone past my posting of the propsoal in the previous post. Here is an outline of my connections, and their geographical areas. I am using first initials of friends and peers in order to protect privacy.

1. Ghana
-Friend S who started an NGO with my mom to help fund scholarships at Liberia camp and his home town in Ghana. Grad student at the uni I studied at last year.
-Advisor/mentor Rev. A, professor of Theatre for Development. Amazing, amazing man, who is a pastor at a semi-local church.

2. Liberia
-E of the Liberian Dance Troupe. Just moved back to Liberia after being gone for at least 16 years, I believe.
-L of Refuge Baptist Primary School. Also just moved back to Liberia with his family.

3. Bolivia
-Friend A from I-5. She is doing a two year residency with a group whose name escapes me at this point. A very brave woman.

4. United States
-Friend J from I-5, lives in San Francisco. Fantastic rescource
-Friend T from I-5, lives in Portland. Super passionate. Can lead Theatre of the Oppressed workshops.
-My US connections are too many to list.

While I have friends in other parts of the world, they aren't necessarily theatre people.

December produced zero productivity. So much for that time off! I need to get over my own procrastination.

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